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Yu Uchida


It has a beautiful, silky feel that makes you want to pick it up and stroke it, making you feel special every time you use it.
Each piece is made by wood turning, and is dyed and polished many times to express the expression of the wood.
The wood is dyed with iron mordant, but the color is not added by dyeing, but by bringing out the tannin quality of the wood, which gives it a grayish hue.
The patterns created by nature overlap geometrically and show various expressions depending on how the light hits them.

After deepening his knowledge and skills in woodworking at the Forest Takumi School, he now has a workshop in Mikasa City, Hokkaido, where he works diligently to create his works.
In the winter, the area has a lot of snow and it is very difficult to remove the snow, so he uses skis to go to his neighbor's house.
I have talked to him many times, but his serious impression has never changed, and his soft demeanor makes everyone around him feel at ease. Perhaps it is his gentle personality that makes him enjoyable to talk with even after a long time.

A work of art also inherits and expresses the personality and character of its creator.
I am sure that his personality is what makes his works always enjoyable even after using them for a long time.

However, if you put highly acidic foods (kiwi, pineapple, etc.) on it, the color may bleed off as the dyeing progresses.
Please be careful not to leave dark colored food on the surface for a long time.
After use, wash by hand with a sponge using a mild detergent as you would any other tableware.
Please do not use microwave ovens or dishwashers.


-AELU Buyer / Manako



w32 × d9.5 x h1.5 cm


* There are individual differences

* Colors may vary slightly depending on the monitor.



우치다 유


우드 터닝으로 한 점씩 제작되는 작품들은 나무의 표정을 보다 정묘하게 표현하기 위해 여러 번 염색 과정과 다듬기를 거쳐 만들어지고 있습니다.


우치다상의 작품들은 인공적으로 목재에 색을 입히지 않으며 목재 본연의 색이 더욱더 선명하게 나타날 수 있도록 목재 안의 타니질이란 성분을 끌어내는 작업을 합니다.
자연이 만들어 낸 나무테가 기하학적으로 겹쳐져, 빛이 비치는 방향에 따라 색감과 형태가 달라집니다.

우치다상의 공방은 눈이 많이 내리는 일본의 홋카이도라는 지역에 자리잡고 있습니다.
홋카이도에서 자라는 나무들을 위주로 작품을 만들며 

유리로 코팅되어 있기 때문에 기름이나 파스타 소스 등

에 대한 걱정없이 사용하실 수 있습니다.


다만, 산성이 강한 음식 (키위나 파인애플 등)의 경우는 나무색이 변질될 수 있으니 장시간 음식을 그대로 두지 않도록 주의해 주시길 바랍니다.


-AELU Staff / 이나경



w32 × d9.5 x h1.5 cm


*핸드메이드 작품으로 작품마다 사이즈에 조금씩 차이가 있습니다.

*모니터에 따라 색감이 다르게 보일 수 있습니다.







我和他谈过很多次,但他严肃的印象从未改变,他柔和的态度让周围的人感到平静。 可能是因为他温和的性格,我们可以享受与他长时间的交谈。





w32 × d9.5 x h1.5 cm




Square wood plate M / Yu Uchida

SKU : U01012
12 000¥Prix
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